Winning # (No. 80, Spring 2018)

Our Winning # is now available for download. Be the first to download it and read it, then share it with all of your loser friends while stating proudly “I read it before you, loser friend! Ha ha!”

Featuring humorous stories and articles from Chris Espenshade, Wayne Tuttle, and the usual contributors, you’ll want to proudly display this issue on the mantle next to that bowling trophy you won in ’98 when the other team failed to show up.

This issue is currently available as a mobi file for Kindle users, an epub for other e-readers, and as a PDF for everyone else. More details can be found on the Downloads page.

Famous Submissions I

We get so many submissions from around the world and, occasionally, we receive material from someone of acclaim.

But imagine our surprise when a series of hand-written submissions (crayon on brown paper bags) arrived at the National Pasquinade Editorial Offices one fine day in March with a certain Pennsylvania Avenue return address.

Unfortunately, the submitted work was not up to the standards of quality set by the National Pasquinade and we had to reject the submitted material, but there is hope for you, potential contributor.

Send us your themed stories, articles, covers, parodies, satires, single-panel cartoons, etc. to today and maybe, one day, you can be the President of the United States.

Also, Happy #EasterFoolsDay!