“Take away that pudding—it has no theme.”
—Sir Winston Churchill
Last month, National Pasquinade began prompting you with themes from the last twenty years of the magazine. The challenge each week is to write a funny piece, based on the themes below, that could have appeared in the magazine during the issue’s time frame.
Time Frame: Spring 2007 through Winter 2008/2009. America started eight years of pissing off racists by electing its first black president. If you can see Russia from your house, you can certainly bring the funny without even trying. Create a funny story, parody, or article based on one of the following themes:
- Sanitized For Our Convenience
- Kid Friendly
- Scratch ‘N’ Sniff
- Increasingly Forgetful
- Extra Juicy
- Shark Jump
- Unusually Hairy
Share your results, or a link to your results if they’re longer, in the comments, if you feel so compelled. If you’re especially satisfied with your results, why not submit your finished piece to National Pasquinade for its 20th Anniversary Issue? The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2017, if you pay attention to deadlines.Happy writing.