Lucky # (No. 77, Spring 2017)

Fortunately for you, Lucky #Issue No. 77, the Lucky #, is now available for download.

Featuring a couple of humorous stories, as well as our usual letters and lists, you may want to hold on to this issue for luck.

It is currently available as a mobi file for Kindle users, and as an epub for other e-readers. It will also be available as a PDF for everyone else very soon. More details can be found on the Downloads page.

New Issue Coming in April!

National Pasquinade No. 77Hey everybody! It’s the editor, Ed, with a Very Important Announcement™ for our faithful readers. I know we stated at the end of the last issue that our next theme would be “Luck.” However, due to contractual conflicts with the state lottery commission and a very intimidating gentleman from New Jersey named “Ratso,” we’ve decided to change the theme of the upcoming issue. We’ve had to scrap several very funny stories and articles and write new pieces to fit this theme. New stories like “Don’t Miss the Skidmark” and “Phil Collins Goes To The Movies Commando!” are sure to please.

Watch for National Pasquinade No. 77, the I’m Not Wearing Any Underwear #, coming in April!